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Better in Thyme Little Onyx

ADGA ID: PD2263181

Onyx was the first of our Quads to hit the ground in 2022. He is also the first kid born to Better in Thyme. When we walked out in the early morning hours of June 23rd, 2022 we didn't expect to find that Nilly had delivered her kids. We'd checked on her all night, and finally gave up around 1 am. Went to sleep, made sure the camera's were on, and woke up about 6. Dayna went outside right away to check on Nilly and surprise! She'd delivered 4 healthy (and a bit bendy) kids all be herself. 

Onyx stole our hearts right away... well after they calmed down from the shock that is. He is the perfect combination of his parents and we are excited to see what he produces in the future for us!  He is long and level, with quite a few moonspots hidden in his coat. 

Better in Thyme Hi-Jinx


Jinx is a full brother to Onyx with a few differing characteristics that we'd like to see mature into our herd. He has a longer body and strong shoulder assembly when compared to his brother. Though Onyx has him beat at depth and brisket extension so far. In spring of 2024 we will do a final review of his points over Onyx's to decide who is a better fit for our program.


The MNSF Waylon

ADGA ID PD2286204

Waylon is a big sweetheart! He is currently housed at our Ellensburg Farm. He produced the most kids for us in 2023. He was paired with about half of our breeding does.

Here are his Sire and Dam's pedigrees: 



His Dam looks to have a solid backgroud, but his Sire's lines are where I get really excited. With ties to Glimfeather (sire), Cammana, Old Mountain, and Rosharan lines I think he will help to improve our herd's over all quality. I do wish his front end assembly was a little stronger. However, his uphill stature, width and body length hit goals in our breeding program. The udders behind him should also help with teat placement and size. We cannot wait to see his 2023 kids mature.

Reference only
Broke N Wagon Little Guy

ADGA ID: PD2204364

Little Guy produced a wide variety of kids for us. Many that we kept to prove out his line. He was rehomed in summer of 2023 to make room for keeping two of his sons.

Little Guy was (as I'm sure you can imagine) a tiny little thing when we picked him up down in John Day Oregon. He has matured into a wonderful herd sire for us, and gave us a 60/40 split of doelings to bucklings in 2022.

Little Guy comes from a couple of strong diary lines with ties to Desertnanny, Flat Rocks, Pippin Hill and Castle Rock in his pedigree.

Better in Thyme Baldur

ADGA ID: PD2344851

Baldur is the 2023 buckling out of Malaga Mini's BR Chamonix Zoey (Mimi) and The MNSF Waylon. He was retained as he has great potential to improve fore udders in our herd based on his dam's udder. Mimi's udder was very impressive for a first freshener in 2023. I wish that she'd taken in fall of 2023 for 2024 kids so that we could follow along as her udder developed. Alas, we will have to wait for spring of 2025 for future Mimi kids.

Baldur was bred to Rocky in fall of 2023 for some impressive kids come spring of 2024. We may retain a son of his as the crossing of these two lines should maintain udder attachment potential while mixing in larger teat and orifice size from Rocky. 

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