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Meet the ladies that make up our milking team

Gladdie Acres AR jimmy Choo

ADGA ID: PD2045297

Jimmy is doe with jam packed genetics. Her dam and sire both have Superior Genetics and multiple Grand Champion bloodlines in their pedigrees. Her sire: CGH Gladdie Acres Giorgio Armani *B VEE90 was so impressive he was sold to a breeding program in Australia. And her dam: SGCH Lukalah Farm Tiger Lily 1* is nothing to scoff at either. When the opportunity came knocking to bring her home we initally said no. But after further thought decided to go ahead with the purchase as we couldn't miss out on her potential.


Thunder Family Spooky Girl

ADGA ID: PD2066394

This lovely Doe answers to Spook, Spooky, or Spook-a-dook. She is the longest bodied doe we have, and is just a dream to work with on the milk stand so long as she has grain. She has ties to Piddlin Acres on both sides of her pedigree and has a lovely mild temperament. She's very wide and kids easily. I'm hoping that her future kids retain that width in years to come.

2023: Kidded Triplets 1B 2D, one doe retained.

2022: Kidded Twin Does, one doe retained.

2021: Kidded Twin Bucklings for another farm


Gavella Vanilla Bean

ADGA ID: PD1939310

This doe is affectionately known as Nilly on the Farm. She was one of the last does we picked up for our foundation herd. She's deep bodied, and has wonderful udder capacity. Her expanded pedigree has ties to Rosasharn, and she's probably our most well rounded doe. As an extra bonus she is also polled!

2023: Triplets: 2 bucks and a doe. 1 buck was DOA.

2022: She kidded Quads for us in, 2 does, and 2 bucks. 3 kids were retained.

2021: she had 2 DOA kids for a separate farm.


Malaga Minis AW Lady Lilith

ADGA ID: PD2204362

Lily is by far the most compact doe we have on the farm, she is packed with genetics and potential. Lily is a 2021 doeling that will be bred for the first time in fall of 2022. We are excited to see her freshen as she has loads of dairy strength behind her. With ties to Leisure Time, Old Mountain Farm, Tua Farms, and Rosaharn in her pedigree she was set up for succedd from day one! Not to mention her dam Malaga Minis BR Chai Tea is a lovely mature doe. We hope to see Lily replicate her dam's confirmation as she matures. Her first udder in 2023 was impressive for a FF. She has nice teat length, good orifice size and wonderful attachements.

2023: Kidded with buck/doe twins. Both swiss patterned. Doe retained, see Lady Faye.


Malaga Minis BR Chamonix Zoey

ADGA ID: PD2204363

Mimi is a powerhouse in the making. She was a dry 2021 yearling, and has been bred to our new herd sire for Spring 2023 kids. With a long, level top line, excellent brisket extension, and a wide rump she has the makings of an excellent doe. We hope to show her in the ring next year after she kids! Mimi has direct ties to Tua Farms, Camanna, Flat Rocks and Old Mountain Farm. Along with Dragonfly ties on her dam's side. I think she'll be our most prolific doe in 2023!

2023: Twin bucks. One buckling passed from silent pneumonia. The other was retained. 


The Ticky Trixie

ADGA ID: PD2214484

Trixie is named such as she likes to be a little mischievous. She has a playful side to her and is always exploring new things... read getting into trouble. She has the straightest back on our farm and is a gorgeous polled doe. With ties to Leisure Time, Desertnanny, Flat Rocks, and Castle Rock lines we are excited to see how she matures. Her FF udder was very nice, she definitely over produced for her boys and we look forward to watching her second freshening in 2024.

2023: Kidded with Twin Bucklings


Yellowhawk CJ Bonnie Parker

ADGA ID: PD2251021

Bonnie is one of two doelings we acquired in 2022. She is polled, blue eyed and has back to Piddlin' Acres, Almar Acres, and Castle Rock lines.  Bonnie is growing into a gorgeous doe. While her front end assembly could be a little stronger, she is over all a very correct, longbodied doe. Her udder was a pleasant surprise this past year as it was well attached and milked like dream.

2023: Single doe kid. Retained.


Patsy Cline

Unregistered Nigerian Dwarf

Patsy was the first Doe we brought to the farm before deciding to go the registered route. She's just too loving and sweet to let go though, so she will be staying with us! She is a deep bodied girl, with the most productive udder in our herd this year. She had way more milk than she needed, and was able to help supplement Coco's feedings when needed.

2023: Buck/doe twins

2022: Buck/Doe Twins, Doeling passed after ariving.

Prior kiddings unkown.


The Kochia Grove Calamity

ADGA ID: PD2276939

Calamity is a young doe born in fall of 2022 that will be joining the herd in November.  She was the first doe born during a stressful period for Kochia Groves Nigerians and comes by her name righteously enough. She has developed a lot of length and a wonderful topline. I'm excited to see her freshen for the first time in 2024.


Better in Thyme Anasazi Bean

ADGA ID: PD2263180

Ana is a sweetheart little doe. She was the third kid born in our set of quads and was Vicki's first doe retention of 2022.  Ana and her littermate sister Coco couldn't be more alike though. They both inherited their mother's loving temperament, long bodies and sweet faces. Ana however, has a slightly longer and taller frame than Coco at the moment. She will freshen for the first time alongside her sister Coco in spring of 2024.


Better in Thyme Cocoa Bean

ADGA ID: PD2263179

Coco was the last of our quads born this past April. She was a tiny little doe, weighing just around a pound but with more than enough attitude to make up for her small stature. Coco has developed a nice deep body and we look forward to seeing her first freshening udder in spring of 2024.


Better in Thyme Roxie

ADGA ID: PD2263178

Roxie was Spooky's first born doe in 2022. She came in to the world with one leg back, and caused her momma a lot of extra work due to her super long frame. From the moment we could see her head we knew we'd have to keep her. Vicki immediately called dibs and jumped in to help dry her off. We are excited to see what improvements our first herd sire: Lil Guy gave to her over her mother. Roxie will join her half sisters Coco and Ana with her first freshen in 2024.


Better in Thyme Shy Girl


Shy is the first born of Spooky's triplets in 2023. For a seven month old (as of 11-2023) she is impressively long, deep, and wide. The only down side is she comes by her name righteously enough. She's definitely timid and would prefer being left alone to any kind of human company. We are working on changing that mentality though! Shy will be bred to Onyx for spring of 2024 kids. We hope this breeding will improve length for Onyx's line, and increase teat size for any daughters as Spooky's teats are fairly small.


Better in Thyme Lady Faye


Faye is our 2023 doeling out of Lily and Onyx. We were certainly expecting a great cross when we bred those two in 2022 but nothing could have prepared us for this gorgeous girl. She may be petite but boy does she have the potential to be a powerhouse on the milk stand. Faye will not be bred this winter but we may breed her in the spring after she has had the chance to grow a bit more.


Better in Thyme Blue Agate


This show stopping doeling is our 2023 keeper from Bonnie and Onyx. She has length, she has width, she has attitude and she stole our hearts Easter evening when she was born. We are excited to see what her udder will look like, but we will have to wait until at least fall of 2024 as she just hasn't quite matured enough to breed this winter. This photo is one of my favorites from when she was little. We will update with a current photo later this season.


Better in Thyme Jazzy


Jazzy was Nilly's only doeling in 2023. And Vicki just couldn't resist keeping one more Little Guy doe before he was sold. She has spunk and will be a stunner before too long! We don't have a photo to share with you yet but we will shortly!

Wheat Crop

LHBH Rocky Road

ADGA ID: PD2201277

In Fall of 2023 Rocky was one of three does brought to the farm. Little Hooves and Big Hearts Farm is her breeder and we must say they did an excellent job! Rocky is a long, uphill doe with the potential for a fantastic udder. Her first kidding will be in Spring of 2024.

Rocky's pedigree is full of Superior Genetics designations and quite a few Grand Champions are in the mix as well. We hope to continue their legacy with Rocky in and out of the show ring.


LHBH Rennala Queenofthemoon

ADGA ID: PD2345997

Rennala is the second of three does brought into the herd in the fall of 2023. She is deep bodied, and an all over well put together doe. We hope that she will be a great asset to our herd.


LHBH Site of Grace

ADGA ID: PD2345998

Gracie is the third doe from our Fall 2023 purchase. She was brought onto the farm in hopes that her rump and foreudder genetics would help to improve the herd. She also has great depth of body, length and shoulder structure. Though we will be working on blending her shoulders into a smoother composition in future breedings.

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